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Sunday, January 21, 2024

Multiple ControlNets and T2I-Adapters ComfyUI

 Multiple ControlNets and T2I-Adapters ComfyUI

Check Point Name: AOM31A1.safetensors
(solo) girl photograph realistic (flat chest:0.9), (fennec ears:1.0) (fox ears:1.0), (messy hair) blonde hair, blue eyes, standing, serafuku sweater, (brick house) (scenery HDR landscape) (sun clounds) sky, mountains,

Negative Prompt: 
(hands), text, error, cropped, (worst quality:1.2), (low quality:1.2, normal quality, (jpeg artifacts:1.3), signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name, monochrome, sketch, censorship, censor, (copyright:1.2), extra legs, (forehead mark), (depth of field) (emotionless) (penis)

Empty Latent Image:
width 768
height 768
batch_size 1

Seed xxxx
contro_after_generate : Randomize
steps: 12
cfg 6.0
sampler_name: dpmpp_sde
scheduler : normal
denoise: 1.0

Load VAE:
vae_name kl-f8-anime2.ckpt

ControlNet Model1: control_openpose.safetensors
Image1: pose_present.png
Apply ControlNet: strength = 1

ControlNet Model2: control_scribble.safetensors
Image2: house_scribble.png
Apply ControlNet: strength = 0.8

Result example Multiple ControlNets and T2I-Adapters

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Ancient thai army by Bing Creators

 Ancient thai army by Bing Creators

ancient thai army by Bing Creators
ทัพไทยโบราณ by Bing Creators
