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Sunday, January 21, 2024

Multiple ControlNets and T2I-Adapters ComfyUI

 Multiple ControlNets and T2I-Adapters ComfyUI

Check Point Name: AOM31A1.safetensors
(solo) girl photograph realistic (flat chest:0.9), (fennec ears:1.0) (fox ears:1.0), (messy hair) blonde hair, blue eyes, standing, serafuku sweater, (brick house) (scenery HDR landscape) (sun clounds) sky, mountains,

Negative Prompt: 
(hands), text, error, cropped, (worst quality:1.2), (low quality:1.2, normal quality, (jpeg artifacts:1.3), signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name, monochrome, sketch, censorship, censor, (copyright:1.2), extra legs, (forehead mark), (depth of field) (emotionless) (penis)

Empty Latent Image:
width 768
height 768
batch_size 1

Seed xxxx
contro_after_generate : Randomize
steps: 12
cfg 6.0
sampler_name: dpmpp_sde
scheduler : normal
denoise: 1.0

Load VAE:
vae_name kl-f8-anime2.ckpt

ControlNet Model1: control_openpose.safetensors
Image1: pose_present.png
Apply ControlNet: strength = 1

ControlNet Model2: control_scribble.safetensors
Image2: house_scribble.png
Apply ControlNet: strength = 0.8

Result example Multiple ControlNets and T2I-Adapters

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Ancient thai army by Bing Creators

 Ancient thai army by Bing Creators

ancient thai army by Bing Creators
ทัพไทยโบราณ by Bing Creators

Monday, December 25, 2023

ComfyUI T2I-Adapter vs ControlNets

 ComfyUI T2I-Adapter vs ControlNets

Model Check Point: V1-5pruned-emaonly.ckpt
ControlNetLoader: t2iadapter_depth-sd14v1.pth
ControlNetApply: strength : 1

underwater photograph shark

(hands), text error, cropped,(worst quality:1.2),(low quality:1.2), normal quality, (jpeg artifacts:1.3), signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name, monochrome, sketch, censorship, censor, (copyright:1.2)

Steps: 20
cfg 8
sampller_name: uni_pc_bh2
scheduler : normal
denoise : 1

width: 832
height : 384

Example Result


Thursday, December 21, 2023

Comfy UI Example for Scribble ControlNet

 Comfy UI Scribble ControlNet

Model Checkpoint : Anything-V3.0.chkpt
Control net name : control_scribble.sfetensors
Vae : anythingKlF8Anime2VaeFtMse840000_klF8Anime2.safetensors

(solo) gril (flat chest:0.9), (fennec ears:1.1) (fox ears:1.1),
(blonde hair:1.0), messy hair, sky clouds, standing in a grass field,
(chibi), blue eyes

Negative Prompt:
(hands), text, error, cropped, (worst quality:1.2), (low quality:1.2),
normal quality, (jpeg artifacts:1.3), signature, watermark, username,
blurry, artist name, monochrome, sketch, censorship, censor, (copyright:1.2),
extra legs, (forehead mark) (depth of field) (emotionless) (penis)

steps 16
cfg 6
Sampler name uni_pc

Empty Latent Image
width 512
height 512
batch size 1


Lady in moon night

 Lady in moon night
